Test Prep Experts
Our Test Prep Expert package will prepare your child for those crucial college entrance exams. As a vigorous test preparation resource, we help your child fine-tune the skills they need to excel on the tests that grant access to prestigious universities.
Stellar Scholar
Your private college counselor recognizes that college placement SAT or ACT test prep isn’t enough to guarantee long-term success. College bound consulting reviews your whole academic career and helps you plan high school classes as early as freshman year. Our private college counselors offer tutoring in nearly all K-12 subjects to ready you for success at the next level. Our Stellar Scholar program also focuses on AP subjects, and our college essay consultants can help with standardized tests, subject areas in college, even high school work. Whatever it is you’re aiming for, our expert teachers are here to help!
Master of Organization
College bound consulting teaches you how manage key organizational skills, like creating the right study timetables and scheduling practice tests. You need strong study skills in high school, too, like creating effective flash cards, composing organized notes, thinking critically, making the most of Quizlet, and more. These skills are critical to the success of students and challenging subject area. Many of these skills are applicable to our college essay counselors, too, as writing essays, whether at home or in-person with rigid time limits, is more challenging as students rise through levels of their education.
Reading and Writing Test Preparation
College bound consulting with your private college counselor sharpens your reading and writing skills for high school coursework and your college career. Your journey can start with the PSAT and test-taking skills to score high on the SAT. Your private college counselor offers reading and writing test preparation for multiple exams and disciplines.
Prep for reading tests is about much more than absorbing text, like:
- Verbal reasoning tests that require you to find meanings within texts, as well as definite true and false statements.
- Forming opinions based on texts from different periods, including the works of Shakespeare and different authors.
- Analyzing complex poetry and plays, while finding the historical significance within their stories.
- Understanding modern media texts, including appraising and appreciating differing opinions from a variety of journalistic sources.
When you can do all the above, you’re reaching the more advanced stages of reading comprehension. This can make many aspects of college placement tests easier, as they you begin framing their thought processes around challenging concepts.
Writing Preparation

Hawk Educational Solutions will guide you towards forming your own style of writing. We help you meet the high standards of college level writing. Additionally, test prep in writing is an ideal way to refine the skills required to shine when crafting essays, reports, and presentations for the remainder of their life.
College Math Placement Test Prep
Math is a necessity for most undergraduate degrees, which means there’s no escaping its minimum standards. With the Hawk Educational Solutions approach to college math placement test prep, you will attain the scores you need before the big day arrives. In addition to helping students secure a place at college, Juliet and her team will help students develop skills and confidence.
Revisiting different math concepts, using online practice platforms, and taking practice tests are the most effective forms of college math placement test prep. Under the watchful eye of our instructors, you will tackle the concepts you’re unfamiliar with. Toward the end of our tutoring sessions, Juliet and her team introduces students to different practice papers so we can map their progress and provide feedback.
At Hawk Educational Solutions, we’re able to provide college math placement test prep tutoring that focuses on tricky areas. They include:
- Refining existing math skills to reach the high standards required of the college math placement test.
- Difficult arithmetic and algebraic functions.
- Geometry, trigonometry, and more
If you want college math placement test that focuses on specific areas, we can provide it. Otherwise, we’re happy to assess your child’s aptitude and form a customized program from there.
SAT Test Prep
When it comes to SAT test prep, the best courses are the ones that meet your child’s individual needs. By the time gifted children throughout America begin preparing for their SATs, each one is at a different level. While yours may excel in some areas, they can also struggle in others. At Hawk Educational Solutions, we dedicate ourselves to helping your child fortify areas that require improvement and leverage their academic strengths.
PSATs are an excellent opportunity for 10th and 11th grade students to practice for their SATs. While they’re mainly a practice test, they can also act as a gateway for obtaining college scholarships.
As part of our PSAT test prep, students will gain exposure to new reading techniques that they may not have encountered so far in school. This includes consistent practice with older texts from the 1800’s, which feature challenging linguistics and new literary concepts. Because we offer both one-on-one and buddy lessons, our PSAT test prep classes are tailored to the unique needs of each test taker and accessible for students from all backgrounds.
Helping your child sharpen their reading comprehension is only part of our PSAT prep. At Hawk Educational Solutions, our PSAT test prep also involves refining their math skills.
SAT test prep
Most educational experts agree that SAT test prep shouldn’t just depend on having a sound subject knowledge. While excellent subject knowledge counts, there’s more to acing the SAT. As such, the SAT test prep available at Hawk Educational Solutions focuses on both refining your child’s subject knowledge, equipping them with essential test taking strategies and preparing them for the test format.
Using a combination of teacher modeling and explanation, guided practice, homework, practice tests, and expert test taking techniques, we empower your child with skills and confidence by the time their exam date arrives. The SAT often feels daunting, but that doesn’t have to be the case. With our methods, it’s possible to approach the SAT with strong content knowledge and test taking strategies that will guarantee academic progress.
ACT Test Prep
When your child has an excellent ACT score, they’ll have one of the key components for gaining entry to the college of their choice. Overall, the exam focuses on reading, math, English, science, and an optional writing section. Because there’s so many content areas on the mene, ACT test prep often requires intensive focus.
At Hawk Educational Solutions, we know that your child stands the best chance of thriving from one-to-one instruction. In addition to preparing them for the topics listed above, we’ll help them adapt to the test’s fast-paced and rigorous nature. As it lasts for two hours and 55 minutes, it’s often the toughest test any college hopeful confronts. Once we’ve acclimated your child to the ACT, you and your student will see progress and a higher exam score.
The Importance of Test Prep
Even when your student’s school is nothing short of excellent, it’s difficult for schools to meet every academic intricacy of every student. Unfortunately, this becomes clear when universities compare the scores of those students who’ve pursued test prep and those who haven’t. While students who aren’t versed in the art of test taking may revisit key academic concepts in class, students who have access to a qualified test prep teacher benefit more from the insights of one-on-one coaching with an expert. An excellent test prep instructor, such as our professionals here at Hawk Educational Solutions, will identify where your student’s test taking needs are and where they already excel. Using their discoveries, test prep instructors create a personalized program that facilitates your student’s success on college entrance exams. Qualified instructors also help your child adapt to the testing format, which means students walk into their test fully prepared for what’s ahead.
Research demonstrates that there’s a statistically significant difference between those who’ve completed a private one-on-one test prep program. According to a 2015 Johns Hopkins University study, individual, private test prep works for students of all backgrounds while large cram classes and school led test prep seminars are generally ineffective for the the majority of students. After engaging in custom SAT and ACT prep sessions, students who take college entrance exams for the second time significantly exceed their original scores, anywhere from 50-300 points on the SAT.
If you’d rather your student achieve their target score sooner rather than later, employing reputable test prep practitioners, such as Hawk Educational Solutions will work to your advantage. Together, we can ensure that your student advances toward their academic goals, making their future brighter with every test prep lesson.
The Competitive Advantages of Hawk Educational Solutions
At Hawk Educational Solutions, our team of expert tutors is lead by Juliet Hawk. With two decades of experience in a diverse aggregate of test preparation fields, Juliet’s knowledge provides the in-depth level your child needs to cover all their bases. Thanks to her diverse background, Juliet and her team can teach an enhanced selection of test-taking skills, they can broaden academic knowledge, and they provide college admissions and essay writing guidance.
After earning a Master’s degree and CA Teaching Credential while serving San Diego Unified School District and Arlington Public Schools, Juliet began working with socioeconomically disadvantaged children to enhance their math and English skills, while also deepening their love of learning and academic exploration. Her work on the front lines of education across the United States and abroad in Taiwan has given her keen insight into what it takes to help children of every learning style and background succeed.
When you use the skills that Juliet and her team promote, you’ll delve into a pool of resources that will prioritize your child’s progress at every juncture. With a highly personalized approach to test prep, those test scores will skyrocket!
Test Taking Strategies
No matter which test your child is taking, we’ll help them adopt the right test taking strategies. Some of the approaches we recommend include:
- Always preparing for a test well in advance- never cram!
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Ensure adequate nutrition and hydration, especially during the study and test period
- Familiarize yourself with the test
- Read all questions and texts carefully
- Prioritize questions- Do the easy questions first and save the rest for later!
Test Prep Value
When it comes to value for the money, we’d love you to read some of the reviews our customers have left to demonstrate how satisfied they are with the Hawk Educational Solutions experience.
To find out more about our test prep programs, or any of our other tutoring services, please get in touch today.