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4 Application Essay Tips from Your Independent College Counselor
College application essays can seem pretty intimidating, but they’re actually a great opportunity to share your unique traits and perspectives. College admissions officers use application essays to learn about the way potential students think, see the world, and express themselves. In order to present yourself clearly, it’s important to take a Read More…
See How College Admissions Counseling Is a Game-Changer
Helping high school students navigate the complex college admissions process is one of many job requirements for high school guidance counselors, but when the public high school student-to-counselor ratio is around 150 to 1, it’s difficult for most students to receive individualized attention and comprehensive assistance. Independent college counselors, by Read More…
San Diego Distance Learning for High School & College Students
There’s no denying that life as we know has changed dramatically in recent months due to Coronavirus. While most of us are proving resilient and adaptable in the face of these disruptive and unexpected changes, it hasn’t been easy. Students, especially, have had to carry a heavy load. They’re expected Read More…
San Diego Online Homeschooling Service During Coronavirus
We are currently living in a truly unprecedented time. The coronavirus pandemic has changed nearly every aspect of our lives, and we have been forced to adapt as best as we can. One of the biggest changes related to the virus outbreak has been the collective approach to schooling and Read More…
Make SAT Math Easier With Your Personal College Counselor
To some, trying to learn math is like trying to comprehend a foreign language. No matter how long you stare, squint, and ponder a math problem, it simply does not make sense. Unfortunately, no matter how math-phobic you are, you still need to take the math section on the SAT. Read More…
Your Private College Counselor Helps You Score Your Best SAT in 2021
The SAT has undergone a number of changes over the last decade, which has left many test takers confused about what a good SAT score is in 2021. First of all, the total number of points on the test has continually changed. From 2005 until 2016, the SAT was scored Read More…
Your Personal College Counselor Knows “Test-Optional” Schools
Test Optional Gains Traction Are college entrance exams really getting kicked to the curb, tossed out, rendered obsolete, “retired?” Word on the street, in academic corridors and across the nation’s college campuses, suggest a definitely maybe. “There are now well over 1,000 colleges and universities that don’t require SAT or Read More…
Personal College Consulting Shows You Essay Skills Like Skim Reading
Skim Reading The “new normal” of skim reading, or “looking only for the general or main ideas,” is all the rage among teens and young adults according to Maryanne Wolf, UCLA Distinguished Visiting Professor of Education and Director of the UCLA Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice and the Chapman University Presidential Fellow. Read More…
Reduce Your Test Anxiety with Our Private College Admissions Consultants
Test Anxiety: Reality or Fiction? Some medical professionals attribute exam or test anxiety to a host of real-world circumstances: lack of preparation, overstimulation, anxiety, depression, worry and dread. On the other hand, others believe test anxiety is the result of somatization, “the production of recurrent and multiple medical symptoms with Read More…
Use Personal College Consulting for Test and Essay Help
The Test Prep Lowdown- A Brief Summary Even when your student’s school is nothing short of excellent, it’s difficult for schools to meet every academic intricacy of every student. Unfortunately, this becomes clear when universities compare the scores of those students who’ve pursued test prep and those who haven’t. Read More…